Source code for manta.payproc

# Manta Python
# Manta Protocol Implementation for Python
# Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Alessandro ViganĂ²

# from __future__ import annotations

Library that implements a basic a Manta :term:`Payment Processor`.

from abc import abstractmethod
import base64
from dataclasses import dataclass
from decimal import Decimal
import logging
import traceback
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Set

import attr
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import padding
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa import RSAPrivateKey
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import load_pem_private_key
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt

from .base import MantaComponent
from .dispatcher import Dispatcher
from .messages import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class Conf(NamedTuple):
    url: str
    nano_address: str
    key_file: str
    nano_euro: float

class SessionDoesNotExist(Exception):

[docs]@dataclass() class TransactionState: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences """ Transaction State represents state of a Transaction Args: txid: Transaction ID session_id: Session ID of transaction application: Application ID of transaction order: Merchant order for transaction payment_request: Last payment request of transaction payment_message: Last payment message of transaction ack: Last ack of transaction wallet_request: Last wallet request of transaction notify: callback to be called when attributes of transaction change """ txid: int session_id: str application: str order: MerchantOrderRequestMessage payment_request: Optional[PaymentRequestMessage] = None payment_message: Optional[PaymentMessage] = None ack: Optional[AckMessage] = None wallet_request: Optional[str] = None notify: Optional[Callable[[int, str, Any], None]] = None def __setattr__(self, key, value): if callable(self.notify): self.notify(self.txid, key, value) super().__setattr__(key, value)
[docs]class TXStorage: """ Storage for Active Session Data of Transaction This is an abstract class to be implemented in subclassing. This is meant to be used with external storage like a database. Payproc will use a memory TXStorage implementation by default, which is not persistent. Transaction with status 'PAID' or 'INVALID' must not be present """
[docs] @abstractmethod def create( self, txid: int, session_id: str, application: str, order: MerchantOrderRequestMessage, ack: AckMessage = None, ) -> TransactionState: """ Create a new transaction Args: txid: txid of Transaction session_id: session_id of Transaction application: application_id of Transaction order: Merchant Order of Transaction ack: First Ack Message (ie status=NEW) Returns: """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_state_for_session(self, session_id: str) -> TransactionState: """ Get state for transaction with session_id Args: session_id: session_id of transaction Returns: state of transaction """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def session_exists(self, session_id: str) -> bool: """ Check if session exist Args: session_id: session_id of transaction Returns: true if session exist """ pass
def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): pass @abstractmethod def __len__(self): pass
[docs]class TXStorageMemory(TXStorage): """ Implmentation of TXStorage as memory storage """ states: Dict[str, TransactionState] def __init__(self): self.states = {} def _on_notify(self, txid, key, value): if key == "ack": value: AckMessage if value.status in [Status.PAID, Status.INVALID]: session_id = next( key for key, state in self.states.items() if state.txid == int(value.txid) ) del self.states[session_id]
[docs] def create( self, txid: int, session_id: str, application: str, order: MerchantOrderRequestMessage, ack: AckMessage = None, ) -> TransactionState: tx = TransactionState( txid=txid, session_id=session_id, application=application, order=order, ack=ack, notify=self._on_notify, ) self.states[session_id] = tx return tx
[docs] def get_state_for_session(self, session_id: str) -> TransactionState: return self.states[session_id]
[docs] def session_exists(self, session_id: str) -> bool: return session_id in self.states
def __iter__(self): return iter(self.states.items()) def __len__(self): return len(self.states)
def generate_crypto_legacy_url(crypto: str, address: str, amount: float) -> str: if crypto == "btc": return "bitcoin:{}?amount={}".format(address, amount) return ""
[docs]class PayProc(MantaComponent): # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences """ Manta Protocol Payment Processor Implementation Args: key_file: File name of PEM private key of Payment Processor. This will be used to sign messages certificate: File name of Manta Certificate Authority, IE mantaproto host: MQTT Broker host starting_txid: Transaction ID are progressive, starting from the one specified tx_storage: TXStorage instance to store session information mqtt_options: A Dict of options to be passed to MQTT Client (like username, password) port: MQTT Broker port number. Specified only if it's different than the default of 1883 Attributes: get_destinations: Callback function to retrieve list of Destination get_supported_cryptos: Callback function to retrieve list of supported cryptos """ key: RSAPrivateKey certificate: str # str is txid on_processed_order: Optional[ Callable[[str, MerchantOrderRequestMessage, AckMessage], None] ] = None # on_processed_get_payment(txid, crypto, payment_request_message) on_processed_get_payment: Optional[ Callable[[str, str, PaymentRequestMessage], None] ] = None # str is txid on_processed_payment: Optional[ Callable[[str, PaymentMessage, AckMessage], None] ] = None on_processed_confirmation: Optional[Callable[[str, AckMessage], None]] = None tx_storage: TXStorage dispatcher: Dispatcher txid: int def __init__( self, key_file: str, cert_file: str = None, host: str = "localhost", starting_txid: int = 0, tx_storage: TXStorage = None, mqtt_options: Dict[str, Any] = None, port: int = 1883, ) -> None: self.txid = starting_txid self.tx_storage = tx_storage if tx_storage is not None else TXStorageMemory() self.dispatcher = Dispatcher(self) mqtt_options = mqtt_options if mqtt_options else {} self.mqtt_client = mqtt.Client(**mqtt_options) self.mqtt_client.on_connect = self.on_connect self.mqtt_client.on_message = self.on_message self.mqtt_client.enable_logger() = host self.port = port with open(key_file, "rb") as myfile: key_data = self.key = PayProc.key_from_keydata(key_data) if cert_file is not None: with open(cert_file, "r") as cfile: self.certificate = else: self.certificate = "" def get_merchant(application: str) -> Merchant: raise NotImplementedError def get_destinations( application: str, merchant_order: MerchantOrderRequestMessage ) -> List[Destination]: raise NotImplementedError def get_supported_cryptos( application: str, merchant_order: MerchantOrderRequestMessage ) -> Set[str]: raise NotImplementedError self.get_merchant: Callable[[str], Merchant] = get_merchant # get_destinations(application: str, merchant_order: MerchantOrderRequestMessage) self.get_destinations: Callable[ [str, MerchantOrderRequestMessage], List[Destination] ] = get_destinations # get_supported_cryptos(application: str, merchant_order: MerchantOrderRequestMessage) self.get_supported_cryptos: Callable[ [str, MerchantOrderRequestMessage], Set[str] ] = get_supported_cryptos
[docs] def run(self): """ Start processing network requests. This starts the :term:`MQTT` client processing loop in another thread. """ self.mqtt_client.connect(, port=self.port) self.mqtt_client.loop_start()
[docs] @staticmethod def key_from_keydata(key_data: bytes) -> RSAPrivateKey: """ Given a string containing the key encoded in PEM format, loads it. Args: key_data: string containing the key in PEM format Returns: a ready key object """ return load_pem_private_key(key_data, password=None, backend=default_backend())
[docs] def sign(self, message: bytes) -> bytes: """ Sign the given string with the cryptographic key specified at creation time. Args: message: string to sign Returns: signature text """ # signature = key.sign(message, # padding.PSS( # mgf=padding.MGF1(hashes.SHA256()), # salt_length=padding.PSS.MAX_LENGTH # ), # hashes.SHA256()) signature = self.key.sign(message, padding.PKCS1v15(), hashes.SHA256()) return base64.b64encode(signature)
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal,PyMethodMayBeStatic def on_connect(self, client, userdata, flags, rc):"Connected with result code " + str(rc)) self._subscribe("merchant_order_request/+") self._subscribe("merchant_order_cancel/+") for session, value in self.tx_storage: self._subscribe("payment_requests/{}/+".format(session)) self._subscribe("payments/{}".format(session)) self.mqtt_client.publish("certificate", self.certificate, retain=True) def _subscribe(self, topic): self.mqtt_client.subscribe(topic)"Subscribed to %r", topic) @Dispatcher.method_topic("merchant_order_cancel/+") def on_merchant_order_cancel(self, session_id, payload):"Request for canceling order with session_id %r", session_id) self.invalidate(session_id, "Canceled by Merchant") @Dispatcher.method_topic("merchant_order_request/+") def on_merchant_order_request(self, application_id, payload):"Processing merchant_order message") p = MerchantOrderRequestMessage.from_json(payload) ack: AckMessage # This is a manta request if p.crypto_currency is None or p.crypto_currency == "": self.mqtt_client.subscribe("payment_requests/{}/+".format(p.session_id)) self.mqtt_client.subscribe("payments/{}".format(p.session_id)) ack = AckMessage( status=Status.NEW, url="manta://{}{}/{}".format(, ":" + str(self.port) if self.port != 1883 else "", p.session_id, ), txid=str(self.txid), ) self.ack(p.session_id, ack) self.tx_storage.create(self.txid, p.session_id, application_id, p, ack) self.txid = self.txid + 1 else: destinations = self.get_destinations(application_id, p) d = destinations[0] ack = AckMessage( txid=str(self.txid), status=Status.NEW, url=generate_crypto_legacy_url( d.crypto_currency, d.destination_address, Decimal(d.amount) ), ) self.ack(p.session_id, ack) self.tx_storage.create(self.txid, p.session_id, application_id, p, ack), self.txid = self.txid + 1 if callable(self.on_processed_order): self.on_processed_order(ack.txid, p, ack) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal @Dispatcher.method_topic("payment_requests/+/+") def on_get_payment_request( self, session_id: str, crypto_currency: str, payload: str ):"Processing payment request message") state: TransactionState = self.tx_storage.get_state_for_session(session_id) state.wallet_request = crypto_currency request = MerchantOrderRequestMessage( fiat_currency=state.order.fiat_currency, amount=state.order.amount, session_id=session_id, crypto_currency=None if crypto_currency == "all" else crypto_currency, ) application = state.application envelope = self.generate_payment_request(application, request) state.payment_request = envelope.unpack()"Publishing {}".format(envelope)) self.mqtt_client.publish( "payment_requests/{}".format(session_id), envelope.to_json() ) if callable(self.on_processed_get_payment): assert state.ack is not None self.on_processed_get_payment( state.ack.txid, crypto_currency, envelope.unpack() ) @Dispatcher.method_topic("payments/+") def on_payment(self, session_id: str, payload: str): if self.tx_storage.session_exists(session_id): payment_message = PaymentMessage.from_json(payload) state = self.tx_storage.get_state_for_session(session_id) # check if crypto is one of the supported payment_request = state.payment_request assert payment_request is not None if payment_message.crypto_currency.upper() not in [ x.upper() for x in payment_request.supported_cryptos ]: return new_ack = attr.evolve( state.ack, status=Status.PENDING, transaction_hash=payment_message.transaction_hash, transaction_currency=payment_message.crypto_currency, url=None, ) assert new_ack is not None state.payment_message = payment_message state.ack = new_ack self.ack(session_id, new_ack) if callable(self.on_processed_payment): self.on_processed_payment(state.ack.txid, payment_message, new_ack) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def on_message(self, client: mqtt.Client, userdata, msg):"New Message {} on {}".format(msg.payload, msg.topic)) try: self.dispatcher.dispatch(msg.topic, payload=msg.payload) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) traceback.print_exc()
[docs] def ack(self, session_id: str, ack: AckMessage): """ Publish the given :class:`~.messages.AckMessage`. Args: session_id: id of the session where to send the messages """"Publishing ack for {} as {}".format(session_id, ack.status.value)) self.mqtt_client.publish("acks/{}".format(session_id), ack.to_json())
[docs] def confirming(self, session_id: str): """ Change the status of the session with the given ``session_id`` to :attr:`~.messages.Status.CONFIRMING` and publish the :class:`~.messages.AckMessage`. Args: session_id: session to change """ if self.tx_storage.session_exists(session_id): state = self.tx_storage.get_state_for_session(session_id) new_ack = attr.evolve(state.ack, status=Status.CONFIRMING) assert new_ack is not None state.ack = new_ack self.ack(session_id, new_ack)
[docs] def confirm( self, session_id: str, transaction_hash: Optional[str] = None, transaction_currency: Optional[str] = None, ): """ Change the status of the session with the given ``session_id`` to :attr:`~.messages.Status.PAID` and publish the :class:`~.messages.AckMessage`. Args: session_id: session to change """ if self.tx_storage.session_exists(session_id): state = self.tx_storage.get_state_for_session(session_id) new_ack = attr.evolve(state.ack, status=Status.PAID) assert new_ack is not None new_ack.url = None if transaction_hash: new_ack.transaction_hash = transaction_hash if transaction_currency: new_ack.transaction_currency = transaction_currency state.ack = new_ack self.ack(session_id, new_ack) if callable(self.on_processed_confirmation): self.on_processed_confirmation(state.ack.txid, new_ack)
[docs] def invalidate(self, session_id: str, reason: str = ""): """ Change the status of the session with the given ``session_id`` to :attr:`~.messages.Status.INVALID` and publish the :class:`~.messages.AckMessage`. Args: session_id: session to change reason: reason for INVALID status (ex. 'Timeout') """ if self.tx_storage.session_exists(session_id): state = self.tx_storage.get_state_for_session(session_id) new_ack = attr.evolve(state.ack, status=Status.INVALID, memo=reason) assert new_ack is not None state.ack = new_ack self.ack(session_id, new_ack)
[docs] def generate_payment_request( self, device: str, merchant_request: MerchantOrderRequestMessage ) -> PaymentRequestEnvelope: """ Create a :class:`~.messages.PaymentRequestEnvelope` containing the payment informations. Args: device: :term:`application_id` of the :term:`POS` merchant_request: object containing payment infos Returns: an envelope containing a :class:`~.message.PaymentRequestMessage` """ merchant = self.get_merchant(device) destinations = self.get_destinations(device, merchant_request) supported_cryptos = self.get_supported_cryptos(device, merchant_request) message = PaymentRequestMessage( merchant=merchant, amount=merchant_request.amount, fiat_currency=merchant_request.fiat_currency, destinations=destinations, supported_cryptos=supported_cryptos, ) json_message = message.to_json() signature = self.sign(json_message.encode("utf-8")).decode("utf-8") payment_request_envelope = PaymentRequestEnvelope( message=json_message, signature=signature ) return payment_request_envelope