manta.wallet ============ .. automodule:: manta.wallet This module implements a basic Manta :term:`Wallet`. An usage example of this class can be found in module ``manta.testing.wallet``. The API is implemented in the :class:`.Wallet` class and specifically by the :meth:`.Wallet.get_payment_request` and :meth:`.Wallet.send_payment` methods. The former requests the payment details to the :term:`Payment Processor` while the latter creates an :class:`~.messages.PaymentMessage` and sends it to the :term:`Payment Processor` that is managing the payment process in order to complete the payment process. To work as expected, an object of the :class:`.Wallet` is created using the :meth:`.Wallet.factory` classmethod from a :term:`Manta URL`: .. code-block:: python3 import asyncio from manta.wallet import Wallet wallet = Wallet.factory("manta://") All the other operations are implemented as *coroutines* and so they need an *asyncio loop* to work correctly. The first operation needed is to retrieve the payment details: .. code-block:: python3 loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() envelope = loop.run_until_complete(wallet.get_payment_request()) payment_req = envelope.unpack() ...then a concrete wallet implementation is supposed to add the transaction on the block chain and then send these informations back to the :term:`Payment Processor`. We here simulate it with: .. code-block:: python3 loop.run_until_complete(wallet.send_payment(transaction_hash=block, crypto_currency='NANO')) Like what happens with the :class:`` class, the progress of the payment session can be monitored by looking into the :class:`~.messages.AckMessage` instances collected by the ``wallet.acks`` queue. The payment is considered complete when a received ack has status == ``PAID``: .. code-block:: python3 from manta.messages import Status async def wait_for_complete(wallet): while True: ack = await wallet.acks.get() if ack.status is Status.PAID: break return ack final_ack = loop.run_until_complete(wait_for_complete(wallet)) Reference --------- .. autoclass:: manta.wallet.Wallet :members: